Tree Protection Plans
Our Tree Protection Plans provide detailed, site specific methods for protecting trees to be retained.
Reports are prepared by consulting arborists (AQF Level 5) in accordance with AS.4970 – 2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites.
Ironbark Environmental Arboriculture consultants have extensive experience of reviewing planning applications for Councils and will ensure your tree protection plan fulfils planning permit conditions.
Reports include:
Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) of each tree to be retained on site and neighbouring properties.
Structural Root Zones (SRZ) of trees were the TPZ encroachment is greater than 10%.
Arboricultural impact assessment for each tree.
Suggested design modifications and tree sensitive construction methods.
Maps showing locations of tree protection fencing and ground protection.
Stages of development at which inspections are required.
Summary of critical information for distribution to construction workers.